itSMF International: Chapter Leader Communication

Vážení partneri a členovia itSMF Slovensko,

radi by sme Vám predstavili novú stratégiu a smerovanie itSMF International, o ktorom itSMF International informovalo vedenie jednotlivých lokálnych pobočiek itSMF.

V itSMF Slovensko si ceníme kroky, ktoré itSMF International podniklo pri reevaluácii svojej stratégie. Sme veľmi radi, že nové smerovanie, ktoré itSMF International nastavilo, sa vracia k podstate združenia. Veľmi pozitívne vnímame podporu itSMF International a posilňovanie vzťahov a rozvoj spolupráce medzi lokálnymi pobočkami itSMF, ktoré veríme že prinesú hodnotu všetkým stranám, v prvom rade však Vám, našim partnerom a členom.

Komunikáciu zo strany itSMF International Vám v plnom znení sprostredkovávame nižšie:

Dear Chapter Leaders,

You should all now be aware of the unexpected change in personnel on the itSMF International Board two months ago. The impact of that change has had a knock-on effect on our planned activities for this year, especially as we were also carrying two vacancies.

However, we have come together as a team and taken the last few weeks to re-evaluate our strategy as an organization and how best we can support our growing Chapter community.

I am increasingly convinced that this is the time to adopt a ‘back to basics’ strategy and go back to why itSMF International was created in the first place.

We have a mandate to exist from our Chapters, but we’ve not asked you lately if you are happy for us to continue as we are, or do something different. Look out for an invitation to a CLC for later on this year, where we can explore these issues together.

We are continuing to review our By-Laws and other governance processes and will share with you the results of that activity later this year.

I believe we now need to be very clear to you as Chapter Leaders that, going forward, we are not competing with you, but are here in a stewardship role, maintaining the trademarks, the organisational governance and facilitating relationships with and between Chapters and sponsors where appropriate. Above all, we want  to grow the service management community back to within sight of where we once were.

There are a number of things we are going to stop doing right now. We are not an exam institute, a training provider or an events company. These things are best left to the vendors with the commercial experience or to Chapters who know their markets best.

What we will be doing is helping struggling Chapters through our Chapter Liaison activities, advising countries that want to set up new Chapters and providing opportunities for organisations to engage with our Chapters and their members.

Chapters are closing or merging without any prior advance notice to us, and some are experiencing internal governance issues. When a Chapter closes, we lose vital member data and contact details and also the associated contribution in terms of their levy. However, we still have ongoing costs in some cases, such as country trademarks which need to be maintained.

We should also be promoting and supporting our Chapters events around our community and encouraging chapters to work together where possible, think back to how well the Nordic countries worked together in the past.

In conjunction with our Chapter Liaison activities, which see an IEB Director own the relationship between the itSMF International Board and a group of Chapters in a particular region, we would like to explore a mentoring programme, where a major Chapter adopts an emerging or struggling Chapter and would welcome your input.

In particular, we want to reach a level of understanding with our more mature Chapters that allows you the freedom to continue successfully operating as you do now whilst maintaining a light touch in terms of our engagement. In return we would expect you to maintain an appropriate level of organisational governance, complete relevant documentation and pay your annual levy and attend the AGM and CLC.

In summary, our strategy is as follows

  • itSMF International is open to all service management frameworks
  • itSMF International acts as a bridge between countries, regions, communities, people, processes and tools

itSMF International role should be to:

  • Support existing Chapters in each of our regions and encourage growth where there is sufficient interest
  • Establish strategic partnerships with other communities, main partners; and
  • Connect people to one another.


Rosemary Gurney

Chair, itSMF International

itSMF International

The Service Management Forum