Would you like to be one of the great speakers at our conference? Send us an email with your short CV and chosen or proposed topic.
Inspire Together 2024 – Become a Speaker

Would you like to be one of the great speakers at our conference? Send us an email with your short CV and chosen or proposed topic.
itSMF Slovakia, a leader in the world of IT Service Management in CEE, is organizing the 18th annual IT Service Management conference which addresses our need to Inspire and strive together to maintain and strengthen the forward trend in innovation and value delivery.
V dňoch 24.-25. januára 2024 sa uskutoční 18. výročná konferencia itSMF Czech Republic s názvom „AI ve službách IT“ a vy môžete byť pri tom.
The 17th annual conference of itSMF Slovakia took place on the 7th and 8th of November. During those days, our great speakers and participants had the chance to reconnect with each other and share practical inspirations in topics such as Advanced ITSM/ESM, Digital transformation, Artificial Intelligence, People Motivation and many more.
It is our pleasure to introduce ISL Online, bronze partner of ReConnect 2023 conference.
Do not miss the opportunity to find inspiration in the presentations of our experienced speakers on a variety of current topics, including (but not limited to) Customer experience, Digital transformation, Enterprise service management or Artificial intelligence.
It is our pleasure to introduce EY, bronze partner of ReConnect 2023 conference.
Today, in the first truly post-isolation year of the 20s, we are seeking opportunities to reconnect with our partners, peers and customers. Thus we kindly invite you to seize this opportunity at the 17th annual conference of itSMF Slovakia, ReConnect 2023.
It is our pleasure to introduce BMC, bronze partner of ReConnect 2023 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce ict-123.com, bronze partner of ReConnect 2023 conference.