Pozývame vás na konferenciu „Together in Excellence“, ktorú organizuje naša partnerská organizácia itSMF Slovinsko.
Konferencia itSMF Slovinsko „Together in Excellence“

Pozývame vás na konferenciu „Together in Excellence“, ktorú organizuje naša partnerská organizácia itSMF Slovinsko.
Pozývame vás na partnerskú konferenciu Test Crunch. Konferencia TestCrunch je dlhodobo najväčšia komunitná akcia o testovaní a riadení kvality v Českej a Slovenskej republike.
The 16th annual conference of itSMF Slovakia took place online on the 20th and 21st of October. During those days, our great speakers and participants shared practical inspirations in topics such as Advanced ITSM, Digital transformation, Customer experience and many more.
We kindly invite you to join us on October 20th and 21st at our 16th annual IT Service Management conference which addresses the need to “Be Inspired” to hold and strengthen the forward trend in innovation and delivering value to our customers.
It is our pleasure to introduce our speakers on Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce Techloop, silver partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce ISL Online, silver partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce ict-123.com, silver partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce Devoteam, silver partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce our speakers on Be Inspired 2022 conference.