It is our pleasure to introduce our speakers on Be Inspired 2022 conference.
Be Inspired 2022 – Speakers

It is our pleasure to introduce our speakers on Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce CFI, platinum partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
It is our pleasure to introduce Omnicom, platinum partner of Be Inspired 2022 conference.
itSMF Slovakia, a leader in the world of IT Service Management in CEE, is organizing the 16th annual IT Service Management conference which addresses the need to “Be Inspired” to hold and strengthen the forward trend in innovation and value as an inspiration for all the business stakeholders who face the challenges of the current times.
V rámci pripravovanej odbornej konferencie itSMF Slovensko, ktorá sa uskutoční 20. a 21. októbra 2022 v online forme, ponúkame možnosť aktívnej účasti našim partnerom prostredníctvom sponzoringu.
Sme veľmi radi, že po dlhom čase vzdialeného fungovania v online svete sme sa konečne mohli osobne strenúť s vami, s našimi členmi, v rámci neformálneho stretnutia „Be Inspired 2022 Kick-off“.
itSMF Slovakia, a leader in the world of IT Service Management in CEE, is organizing the 16th annual IT Service Management conference which addresses the need to “Be Inspired” to hold and strengthen the forward trend in innovation and value as an inspiration for all the business stakeholders who face the challenges of the current times.
20. – 21. januára 2022 sa uskutoční 16. výročná konferencia itSMF Czech Republic s názvom „Chatbot: „Člověče, nezlob se!“ a vy môžete byť pri tom.
Value Experience 2021 – take the last opportunity for free participation.
itSMF Slovakia, a leader in the world of IT Service Management in CEE, is organizing their 15th annual IT Service Management conference and addresses the “Value Experience” as an inspiration for all business stakeholders for whom 2021 was one of those challenging years. Share and prioritize what real value is, decide for meaningful changes to get the best value out of them.
The conference is designed for service managers and business professionals working in this field. We value diversity, and welcome professionals with varying backgrounds and experiences.
It is our pleasure to introduce Sii Poland, silver partner of Value Experience 2021 conference.